shopping and a blonde

by nuk

A quick trip to the supermarket today got my pulse racing. As it was only a few items we needed my girlfriend decided to stay at home. As I walked around I spotted a very pretty tall lady (around 6ft 6 inches tall I estimate). I have seen her shopping in there before with her boyfriend she looks about 22 years old.

She has “top of butt” length naturally blonde hair that is very straight and multi-tonal. This is the first time I have seen her where she hasn’t been with her boyfriend and my girlfriend hasn’t been with me. I felt myself getting hot and sweaty at the thought of speaking to her. She was browsing some clothes and I took the opportunity to do the same whilst stealing glances at her beautiful hair. I chose the aisles where I could look at her hair Thumbs Up from either side and then walking up behind her my eyes traced it’s length from the top of her head down to her ass. With my heart pounding I walked passed her, turned and said “Excuse me, I hope you don’t me saying this but I think you have incredible hair”

She smiled and said “Thank you, I thought you were going to say how tall I am as I am fed up with people saying this to me”

I said “Oh no”

I noticed that she started to blush and did not want to embarrass her any further.

As I walked away I said “Well I think it’s lovely” she smiled back one again and I walked off.

My head was then all over the place for minutes afterwards I was shaking, hot and could not even remember what I went in there to buy. It scares the shit out of me at the time to do this but the feeling afterwards is so exciting and I think the women get a buzz out of it as well.

I hope I can speak to her again soon, in the mean time I am always on the look out for long hair ladies to complement - What a great fetish this is! Thumbs Up
