Hope all you LongHair Lover's are having a wonderful, fun filled holiday weekend..
I'm trying something new over at my site, something that I think a lot of you will enjoy.
Tuesday Night at 11:30 PM USA EST I will be broadcasting a FREE Streaming Webcam - Yes, you read that right, FREE, and after the free show, my Gold Member's Only cam will begin at Midnight.
FYI: You need Flash 8 for this chatroom and I highly recommend that you install Windows Media Player 10 to view the video stream.
You can check out my webcam page to download those if you need them:
So... if you've been wanting to see one of my shows, this free one is the perfect opportunity for you to get a lil taste of what my Gold Member's enjoy a couple of times a week
See you Tuesday Night, 9-5-06, at 11:30 PM USA EST.