I agree.
Some big pics need resizing and others don't.
Sorry, I had a brainfart da otha day.
When big pics display in "normal" mode starts
showing fish scales (i.e. tiny boxed called Moire)
instead of clear pixels, then trying to make dem
smaller is kewl. I agree.
Big pics that are NOT clear (i.e. Blurry) when dispayed in
their "full" size need resizing or not?
Answer: NO and maybe yes.
These big pics when displayed on a puter screen in the normal
display size (i.e. Ur displaying da pic smaller now.)
are usually clearer dan if you try to re-size+display dem.
Xcercise: Try to print 1 out and C. Which is mo clear?
I can c da catch-22 now...
IMO the world is moving from 4:3 to 16x9
Dat is standard to w i d e screen format.
Dat also means more data for 16x9 prints. Ha Ha...
C all those rectangular plasma tubes around 4sell?
Anyways, da trick is 2 have enuf horiz and vert
resolution to make the pic grab a hold of u and not
look like its shown through a paper plastic window.
On this forum, posting thumbs and linking to host servers
4 BIG pics is betta dan having da pic thrown in 4 all 2 c.
A taste of da future looks brighter and bigger...
2 big 2 post here.