My long haired girlfriend and I were in the local supermarket doing the weekly shopping. She was doing the serious shopping and I was just browsing the CD's etc. It was then I noticed a woman in her forties with straight brunette hair down to the top of her bum. She was in the clothes section near to me. I pretended to look at some DVD's but she caught me looking at her. When she moved towards the kitchen-ware and stopped I quickly searched to see where my girlfriend was and saw her in the fruit/veg section. I walked back to where this woman was, walked past her and turned to speak to her. I said "Haven't you got wonderful hair" This brought an immediate smile to her face. She said "It;s just there" I suppose she meant that she has always had it and now thinks nothing of it. I am afraid that I embarresed myself and could think of nothing else to say. I was also afraid of getting caught talking to this woman by my girlfriend. I felt good that I spoke to her as it raised my heartbeat and it complimented her and made her smile. If any of you do this to complete strangers what comments and conversations do you have? as I need help to be less embarresed when doing this again.