Not everythng's related to politics...

by fachi

Your right there're censorship and whatnot in China, and there're certainly murderers and other crazy people like we got them here in the US. But that web site/forum, is a privately owned and operated entity. My friend is the owner of, and I'm one of the mods there, THE mod with the highest number of posts. My friend was switching web hosting service company from one to another, at the same time trying some new version of the forum software. Those were the reasons for the slowdown and different different appearance. The slow speed is purely due to that particular Internet service provider's quality of service, has nothing to do with government meddling and messing. My friend wants to make his site BETTER, so he's testing new ideas. The slowdown will only be temporary. If the new ISP ain't no good, he'll just go back to the old one...