really, i didn't know about it till 15 minutes late.
i had just, corraled 45 cows, after cleaning the 25 bass
that wife and i caught.
[yes, lee, she caught more than me
because i spent a lot of time takin fish off her hook and
changing her]
got a lot of young calves
i figured it wouldn't hurt to leave them all
in the feed lot while i ''checked in''.
if not for that, i wood have stayed and chatted
[and the 2 pics you posted were 45mbs each.
after clicking them my chat froze and i don't know
if leona got my ''i'm so sorry'' are not. lost her,,lost you,,lost the pics]
see ya next time [eyez hope..please downsize your pics b4 showing them
to those on dial-up. i got the top 2 inches of the 1st one b4 they
'timed-out' and went 404 and disconnected me and i lost the chat]
thanks, shelly.........