I been a long time member of Foxyanya's site.And for the fair price shes asks for each month,its way worth it in many ways.You get to see the most Beautiful long hair on any lady in the world.And also get to know a great lady who can make you laugh,and also excite you in all the many nice ways she does with her pictures and movies.
I think its well worth paying for a membership to someones site who you like and want to see more of.
Guys like you who like to throw out commnets like that .Who have no idea what there talking about.Should maybe just be quiet or go away.But freedom of speach is one of our privlages.Even if at times its nonsense .
I never see the Foxy one beg or ask people to join her site.And she has been more then generous with the free content she gives not only on this site .But also in her free area on her site.
That alone should wet your appetite for wanting to see more of her.
She's a Beauty.