Re: Touch a strange girls hair

by el zoef

This works only if the lady has extreemly long hair and if she is in company of other girlfriends,NO guys !!!

Openingline; Whow,is,,,,,,,is this real hair(we can tell !!!)????Do you mind me feeling it ?

BUT I DO HAVE FOUND ANOTHER WAY...Try to aproche from the back (workes in a supermarked,or other crowdy places...),and 'play' that her hair got stuck in your whristwach,you exuse yourself a thousend times and in the mean while you can feel and touch for a while....

Don't make it happen for real,,,that beautifull hair could be damaged that way.

This really happend to me once,and i have played it twice since....IT REALLY WORKS !!!

i guess i am a little sick... Embarrassed


el zoef.