Re: Re: ANNOUNCEMENT - Shampoo&Hair

by AdCollector Website: The Shampoo&Hair File Hub

Hello Daz,

Thank you for your comments. I bet you are the one that uploaded some of those great videos!

The current tight ratios for the public 'shampoo:commercials' and private accounts are in place to promote uploads, so that everyone may enjoy the images and videos stashed in hairlover's computers.

I was thinking of maybe a milestone of 1.5GB (currently at 780MB) before I increase the ratio to maybe 1/100. At the current upload rate, we'll reach that milestone in about a week. (remember I have to delete all the dupes and garbage some people upload, which do not count towards the total).

I recommend you register and get your own account. I'm sure we can think of something.

Eventually, the public account's ratio will go down to 1MB/5MB, once the Hub has a good share of the hair-loving community registered.

The Hub currently has 41 registered users.

Talk to you soon.

Ad Collector.