They are mostly people who have had photos of themselves, photos they have taken, photos of their friends, their partners, or their children stolen and posted elsewhere and in a manner that they do not wish.
This matter was brought to our attention today and we are doing all in our power to have it stopped imeadiatly. Posting pictures without permission where you don't own the copy right is wrong, posting them for purposes such as you have is disgusting. Fine, have your fetish, there are photos out there that you can LEGALLY look at I may not agree, but there you go, you don't need to STEAL photos of other women and children and men to look at
I WILL NOT tell you the site a lot of us come from, but we have made it known to all who we think may be effected. I will not make the site known, as I believe you will go there in order to attempt to steal more photos. We don't want you stealing our photos, or the photos of our children, thankyou.
You may not think much of theft, invasion of privacy, (not to mention using photos of adults and children as a sexual desire or fetish when they were not alowed to be posted somewhere for that usage) but these are serious issues. Other than being wrong, and illegal, I know of people having been turned into the police for similar things. By the laws of my country, yours may be the same, or it may be different, to aquire a photo of a person under the age of 18 years, or to supply a photo of a person under tha age of 18 years, with the intent to use that photo as a form of sexual or fettish photo, is illegal. Yes, even if the child is fully dressed and not posed. A photo of a hand, if aquired by a person who knows that it is a child, and who has a hand fettish and looks at it in that way, is looking at child pornography.
I know of at least one instance where a child's photo has been posted, and as members are stealing out photos without bothering to see the sex of the person in the image, or the fact that it may have COPYRIGHT printed on it, I doubt they are looking to see if the person is actually an adult or not