Today I was on my bike in the city and saw a lady with knee length hair (almost I think as I was riding my bike and turning my head with a lot of bikers in front of me; Holland has a lot of bikers you see)
Now I have seen long haired ladies in pictures on the internet and also on some clips, but never in reality.
Wow, it is very impressive I can tell you. She had blond hair (but certainly not done with waterperoxide, natural colour) and as she was walking it was floating through the air. She was not really beautiful (mind you, beauty is for me inside a woman, better a woman with good character, than a beauty who is a bitch), but a very natural and good looking woman. I could just see that she was with her boyfriend, Now these lengths of hair are uncommon in Holland, so I guess she is a tourist. And yes women are jeaulous of long hair, during my study I heard girls saying that long hair takes hours to dry etc etc, while they noticed that the longhaired students got a lot of attention.
They had themselves which I call socially accepted long hair, just below the shoulder.
Today I had seen a very brave and beautiful longhaired lady and my day is ok.
(brave because cutting is I think she will hear all day long about her hair.