Re: Having a bad day Anya?

by Anya Website: For Long Hair and Long Nail pics...

You did ask how the rest of us felt about long nails, correct? Like J said, now you know how I feel.

I get enough flack from all sides: some long hair lovin guys don't like the nails, some long nail lovin guys don't like the hair, some guys don't care for either and want to see both my hair and nails shorter.

Well guess what, Besley? I don't grow either to please anyone but myself, so you can take your comments and your 15 mins of board fame and rejoice in your opinion as much as you care to. Post as many "without long nails" pics as you wish, it doesn't bother me.

I've dealt with more praise, comments *and* criticism than you could possibly imagine in my 6 years on the 'net, and all it does it make me a better, stronger and more accepting person, especially when dealing with someone like yourself. So post away, babycakes.. the floor is yours.

