
by Anya

I think it is ridiculous that this forum has been unjustly targeted by these pharmacy spammers and have asked on occasion why is it that these IP addys can;t be blocked in order to stem the plague.


If it were a matter of blocking *valid* IP's, I'm sure they could/would in a heart beat... however, considering the countless proxies out there that spammers know how to utilize with great proficiency (real spammers know what they're doing), there really isn't anything they can do can to prevent it, short of making this forum 'members only' where you'd have to log in to access it.

Recall NTC when it was in full swing, and then what happened? Frank made folks register for his forums and thus began its demise.

And the ironic thing is, IF Ninja decided to make his board a place where folks would have to register, oh... let's say... with a valid email to access it... then he'd be hearing about all the spam they're receiving to their email because heaven forbid, they "never got spam to their free hotmail or yahoo email addresses before they registered, ever!"

Either way, Ninja will be 'damned if he do and damned if he don't'.

So c'mon fellas... This forum isn't free to Ninja, he's PAYING the bandwidth for all of us to access it on his dime, and his mods aren't being paid for moderating. They can't sit here all day long and delete spam as its posted. They do this in their off time, before and/or after work.

It's not too much trouble for anyone to skip obvious spam posts until the gents have time to delete it.


