If this is real...

by Anya

Debbie, I don't quite understand why a 'friend' would suggest you proposition STRANGERS on the internet for something like this. You trust people you don't know, to take a potential 'weapon' anywhere near your person? Sorry, but that's a bit too reckless and foolish, IMO.

I'm surprised a woman your age would consider something this potentially dangerous.

What you do with your hair is your business, but at least think about the dangers of propositioning strangers online.

I've met my share of fruitcakes, and those were GROUP setting situations... I couldn't imagine a one-on-one with those sort of fellows.

I'd suggest that if you're that desperate to have it cut and wear your hair short, go to a legitimate salon, and then auction the ponytail on Ebay.

Whatever money you think you're gonna get for your hair is not worth the risk of possibly getting hurt.

But I gotta ask...why grow it to knee length & it be as 'amazing' as you claim, and want to cut it now? I hope it's not just for the money; I've turned down $10,000+ offers from several people offering me money to cut my hair, because NO amount of money could buy off something I love so much.

But, like I said, you do what you want with your hair, however don't put yourself in a potentially dangerous position by propositioning strangers online. That's just too risky.

My 2 cents, take care,

