I'm glad to be spanish... wait!? (complete... I push submit in a mistake)

by Trichphil

Well... IMHO, all of these are declarations made in order to calm far right ultra religious people in America. They can do declarations and even laws, but finally nothing will be done.

In Spain, the center-left government is talking about doin' something similar. A token virtual card limitating the way you consume porn to 30 times each month. With sense of humor we call that system "EL PAJAPORTE" (a pun, a play of words mixing the word PAJA, slang for FAP and PASAPORTE, obviously PASSPORT... the FAPPORT maybe?)

But, in Spain the system will be implemented in spanish websites, so... what about pornhub and the whole internet?. They are doin' the same than republicans, declarations directed to the "victorian left", the over offended leftists (I'm also a leftist in a economical way, but I'm based!). IMHO, victorian left is as stupid as ultrarreligious far right.