You’re not out of line at all, bro…
I’d hate to sound boring, but we started to argue too much and drifted apart. The last 6 months or so we were together wasn’t fun at all and the marriage died a slow death. I last saw her a few years ago and her hair didn’t look as good and she had it cut to shoulder length. It’s a far cry from our happy years of marriage and going back to when I met her. Telling her my love for long hair was so difficult but I was glad I did because not only she did not find it strange, but I think she liked it and decided to grow her hair instead of cutting it. She’d tease me with her long hair from sending me emails while at work where she’d dedicate a paragraph to her hair, telling me to save myself for when she got home to sending me photos of her hair when she went away and asking me to be with her at her salon appointments where after they’ve finished with her hair, she’d turn round and flick her hair back at me for me to touch and hold before we left knowing it’d really turn me on. I started to maintain it for her as well every day as she tended to be quite rough with it and I must have had hundreds of rock hard erections while I had my hands in her hair and thats without mentioning the hairjobs and everything else we did sexually. She was a gorgeous Latina, white, fairly slim, her hair was naturally black and very sleek
Shame really. I adored her and if everything worked out fine, we’d be celebrating 20 years marriage now. I really apologise for the life story LOL… but I do like talking about my experiences with long hair, my earliest one is now almost 40 years ago