Re: Real life long haired women encounters?

by Vicky

This was a few weeks ago, I was attending my driving lessons daily at 9 am and one fine day, my instructor told me to come at 10 am for the next class. I went at 10, we got in the car, and I was in the driving seat, ready to go. He asked me to wait as we were expecting another student. I was pissed off as it was already 10:15. At about 10:20, I noticed in the side view mirror that a girl in her late teens or early 20s was coming running towards the car. I couldn't see anything else but just her running. She quickly got in the car and sat right behind me. After about 2 minutes of her sitting, the whole car started to smell like flowers, and I could recognise it was shampoo and some kind of oil maybe almond. I got curious to know what she and her hair looked like. Since she was sitting right behind me, I could not see her clearly as I tried to look back in the rear-view mirror. Somehow, I got a glimpse of her head. All I could see was a head full of black thick coarse wavy hair and a parting line right in the middle of her forehead. I realised it was either a braid or a ponytail. I could barely see her ears as they were completely covered under her hair. I still did not have an idea as to how long it was. We started our ride and after 3 km, the instructor asked her to drive. I was excited to see how long it was. I got down and waited for her to get down too, and I saw a knee-length braid that was almost as thick as the circumference of an average soft drink bottle. And the end of her braid, which is the hair that is right below the rubber band that she used, was almost 15 cm long, and as wide as two fists. I started to shiver and my thighs became numb. I somehow managed to sit at the back, and all I was doing was looking at her braid. It was so long, that it was making its way to the floor of the back row. And it smelled like heaven all around. We got back to where we began. I tried to start a conversation with her and asked her why she was late, and she said she was drying her hair after a shower. I tried to know more about her but she was kind of shy. The next day, I went to the same spot again at the same time hoping for the same, but unfortunately, I haven't seen her yet.