Warp speed full A HEAD (of hair)

by Furry

A vaguely realistic and scientifically possible idea

would be to use time travel to speed up time,

so hair growth would appear to be speeded up.


That might sound ridiculous, but it is a fact that WE ALL time travel,

all the time.

Travel fast and time progresses at a different speed.

Jet pilots and astronauts come back to Earth a few nano seconds younger than the rest of us,

and that's from travelling at a relatively slow speed,

compared to the speed of light, like Mach 3 in a jet, and .... copy/paste:

Fastest Person Alive - Progressive Rocket Flight / Space Record:

1968-12-21 - Apollo 8 - Anders, Borman, Lovell - 10,807 m/s during trans-lunar injection.

1969-05-26 - Apollo 10 - Cernan, Stafford, Young - 11,107 m/s at 122 km altitude during re-entry.

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How much time dilation do astronauts experience?

Those aboard the International Space Station (ISS) are orbiting Earth at 17,500 miles per hour.

That's almost 5 miles every second!

Astronauts returning to Earth after 6 months on the ISS will have aged slower than those on Earth,

but only by about 0.005 seconds.

10 Jul 2022