Ohh this is gonna be fun. Lets see how far your model can go.
1. Make a picture from first person view, where the viewer is in the cockpit of a steampunk aircraft, and a suitably attired steampunk rapunzel is sitting on his lap. make sure her hair is showing its glory, and interacting with the slipstream.
bonus points for dark hair.
2. [url=https://postimg.cc/rKt9VDXk][img]https://i.postimg.cc/rKt9VDXk/Screenshot-113.png[/img][/url]
Make her photorealistic. Sheena the queen of jungle on a knife fight with a big cat. with her suitably adorned for a jungle girl (like we have a flower here), and suitable clothing (like a leopard skin like here) - but make the hair more longer and more erotic.
Bonus points if she has Tajikistani features.
3. Make a mermaid with rapunzel hairs, but make it bioluminiscent, about to share a kiss with the viewer (first person view). Give her suitable cloths and adornment.
Bonus points if you can give here a nice updo where the volume and length would be evident. i.e. the updo should not appear as extensions woven in.
4. Make a cyborg woman with rapunzel hairs, with suitable hairstyle, that again makes the length and volume evident. Make her suitably interact with the viewer in first person view, where her hairs play a suitable role. Decision of all suitability is left to the AI
Bonus points for everything if you can avoid any blonds or sub-saharan features, and make them appear Georgian / Armenian (like actual people from the caucasus mountains) or cambodian. [I am thinking that there will be limited data on people of these features, but let's push the little AI]