Re: Re: Real Life Rapunzel Encounters

by Captain

All I’d say to any of the guys on here is if you’re massively into the fantasy of actually dating a woman like this in real life, do all you can to make it happen for real.

Practice being cool, develop some self control and tame your emotions. Make them work for you. Read up on self discipline. Then, face your fears and talk to these women.

Offer them a compliment about their hair without obsessing about it, give a big warm smile, make eye contact, ask them about themselves. Basically, come across as interested, cool and not creepy.

It’s hard at first when you’re so into it and it feels like such a big deal (when you’re so fucking attracted to it), but honestly, to the rest of the world, and the girl herself it’s “just a lot of hair”.

I used to be incredibly nervous and built it up to be something that was only really a problem in my own head. Remember the rest of the world isn’t obsessed about long hair like we are

Learn control over your desires and you can achieve your dreams.

The first few times I did tried to talk to girls I was really in to, it was difficult, I was bad at it, faced some rejections, but I kept trying. But I picked myself up and tried again, got better at my game. Had some great times and made some good memories. Also just gave some nice compliments and made women feel good about their beautiful long hair.

If it feels too tough, just start with, “wow, you have great hair”, as you’re walking past. Often they will start talking toy *you*!

I’m now happily married and my wife satisfies my desires, but sometimes come here for a bit of fun. It reminds me how I used to be, nervous and hung up about it. Don’t be.

What I’m saying is: you only get one go at life. Don’t live to regret what you could have done. Go and fulfil your desires and make a long haired lady very happy at the same time.