Re: Times you wish you didn't have a hair fetish

by Longpageboy

I generally find it regrettable to have this fetish.

It narrows down your choices and chances considerably at any time and in any place, and sooner or later you are in for a big disappointment: a haircut (that most people wouldn´t even see as such).

In fact in most cases you cannot even come out with it, since you might give your partner the lurking feeling that you only like her for her long hair - and what if she should ever decide to go short?

German writer and poet Horst Bienek (1930-1990) apparently had to seriously struggle with his homosexuality (that made him not only an outsider, but an outlaw in his lifetime), in the sense of: "Why do I have to bear that cross, too? Life is hard enough anyway."

In a similar way I feel not shame, but regret. Right from the start, the sources of joy and satisfaction are much smaller for me than for most men.

But if you want to know a concrete, real situation where it bothered me, it is something very close to the experiences already poasted in this thread.

I studied languages at university, in which subjects there always was something like at least a 70% quota of girls. Especially summer terms were exquisite torture for me - sitting in a lecture or class with so many beautiful young women in t-shirts around me, and lots of tailbone-length hair tumbling down around their behinds when they were sitting......