Fucking my Colombian wifes hair

by Longhairlover85

My wife has recently voiced the desire to make and sell hair-fetish videos, much to my utter surprise!! It has taken our relationship to the next level.

She got very sick 6 months back and is still in recovery, but will not be able to work for a while. Question is, do you guys think we could sell hairfetish videos of her hair? I guess what I am asking is, would you guys buy it? Laughing

I wanted to add 3 videos of me fucking her hair as a sample. They have slightly poor quality due to the lightsetting but it might give you an idea. Videos for sale would be MUCH higher quality. BUT! I cant seem to be able to upload them. Please suggest site for video sharing??

Will add some pictures of her. She is of Colombian decent and is very beautiful!

Pics: imagebam.com/view/MEGQ9G7


