Re: Re: Spam and...

by TJ

-How 'bout you put skin in the game? Maybe you can finacially support the current moderator or offer your services! Two kinds of people in this world, those that complain and those that make a contribution. Which category do you fall in?--

I'll pose the same question back to you.... exactly what have YOU done to help or support this site...

my guess would be zero...

I felt my comment WAS in support of the site... to bring attention to the obvious spam...

I've been on this site a long time... and I've always felt the moderator did a good job...especially with spam, which at times comes in droves...

but just how much time and effort he has to devote is something I simply don't know.

But YOUR post has no positive purpose whatsoever... it seems intended to stir the pooh pooh and start a useless argumentative thread. If I was the moderator, it would be YOUR post that would be deleted... and with a warning.

You don't know me and I certainly wouldn't want to know you. I suggest we both get back to looking at the pretty pictures and keeping our comments to the lovely hair...that's what we all came here for in the first place...