bob > [nl]

by pc

bobby, you remind me of mark/fflh.

2 years ago, everyboody,,BUTT,,me voted him out of our forum.

he was wild and crazy,,BUTT,,a lot like me.

you are 2 ^ ^^ ^^^,,,,,,,,,,,,,^ ^ ^^ ^^.

i talked to him,,,,he got mad,,,,,he came back, awhile later [mailed me]

and started posting the best longhair links he could find,,and,,

boy did he cover us up.

he doesn't come around much, now [busy/collage]


when he does cum,,everyboody loves his post/him.........

what i'm saying is

''don't waste our precious surfing time and you will be liked''

marks zips Touch of Crystal a surprize, here shhh
