Re: Re: Re: Re: Some people ruin a good thing

by Longpageboy

I think there are different stages of "liking" a woman´s hair.

Most men prefer women to have long, shiny hair. That´s totally innocent and probably seen as such by most people. And if the woman goes shorter, that will not be the end of the world for her average male partner though he may regret her decision.

But if you can´t have an orgasm, for example, without touching the woman´s (long) hair, or you can only cum into her hair, then I can imagine your obsession will become a burden for her sooner or laster - if she doesn´t find that preference strange or even repulsive right from the start.

Just imagine you as a man are reduced all the time to a certain feature that your female partner is particularly fond of: your athletic legs, your red mane, your firm behind - whatever. Whatever it is, you may lose it through age or illness. And then what? Will you accept being dumped? Will you even manage to not be afraid of being dumped once you turn bald, you can´t do sports anymore because of an accident, or you can´t help gaining weight?

People want to be loved and appreciated for their entire personalities. The more we specifically adore her hair, the more the woman will probably doubt things: Does he really like me or is it just my hair? What if I one day decide to go short? What if an illness robs me of my long tresses forever? And: There is definitely so much more to me than my hair.

It is already a departure from the norm to be predominantly turned on by a single feature the way we are, as visitors of this forum. And the stronger and the more exclusive this turn-on is, or the more you depend on that specific stimulation, the more likely you are to be seen as a maniac by others.

I think that´s just the truth.

To me it´s completely incomprehensible that a married woman tries to stimulate and excite her husband again like she did naturally in the old days, but now by wearing a tiger-pattern top. I would probably kill myself laughing instead of being turned on (and thus incurably offend her). What turns us on, may appear strange to others, up to the point where they find it crazy.

If you have a full-blown fetisch, you will have to live with it, and you will probably suffer at least to some extent because of it. You didn´t choose it; you were born that way. But it is certainly something that sets you apart from most people, and for the sake of your own happiness, you better handle it responsibly.