Her hair is so massive you can see the majority even with the front of her facin

by Long hair on girls rules

I should also add that this girls hair I mentioned in my post is so massive and she's very slim that you can see the majority of her beautiful hair even when the front of her is completely facing you and her hair completely behind her.

So basically everyone can tell she has hair much longer than she is tall as soon as she's on sight, even if the front of her is completely facing you, and her hair completely behind her.

Her hair being so blonde shiny bright healthy and silky, makes it so you can see her and her hair from a long ways away.

She's pretty much always with her husband and kids too and her being so blonde, blue eyed, fair skinned, long haired, and him and their kids being so dark black make her even more noticeable and from even further away and stand out even more.

They, especially her, are definitely the center of attention, and get everyone's attention and eye everywhere they go

As I said her sisters also have the same color hair eyes and skin, and their hair is longer than they are tall and extremely shiny, healthy, bright, and silky. Extremely massive too, and you can also see the majority of their hair even with the front of them completely facing you, and their hair completely behind them. As I said they are also married to and have kids with very dark pure black men.