I once saw a slender (and thus tall-looking) beautiful young woman (mid-20s probably) at an open-air festival of Brazilian music in Germany in the late 80s, with a full and shiny brunette braid to her knees and the rest of the length hanging loose and still full to her ankles.
There was never any chance of talking to her although she was standing a few feet right behind me all the time (hours!!!) - I had a girl with me that I had a crush on.
That girl with the ankle-length hair was accompanied by another woman roughly her age who also had beautiful waist-length full hair that in comparison looked just short and boring, which is really a terrible and unjust thing to say, but that´s how it felt to me.
When we left the festival, the two long-haired girls were standing next to the exit, and I could still kill myself today for never even getting the chance to ask if I could take a picture. I just couldn´t afford trying with the girl around me that had come with me.