Re: Any Regrets?

by lh

The only word I can use is torn. Torn between loving it and hating it. A bittersweet kind of fetish. Hating it because it has such a narrow focus and can be demanding to achieve gratification. Loving it because there's so much enjoyment that can be had and the calming effect it has when stress occurs in life. The sight, touch and smell of hair can be so intoxicating. Growing older I also find the repertoire surrounding this fetish increases with all creativity. You don't have to be limited to one thing but can explore in many ways. Examples include purchasing human hair online, acquiring wigs and hair mannequins, videos, pictures, dating and many other things to keep within the legal bounds of self satisfaction. I don't know if it is curable. I haven't been able to find any counseling or therapy to this narrowed focus. It seems a rare enjoyment that few appear to follow but maybe that's due to people not exposing their interests for fear of intense teasing or being thought of as a weirdo. Though I have discovered that there are a whole host of other fetishes out there with even more followers that could be deemed as just as weird or even weirder than a hair fetish. Without the inception of the internet and being able to see there are more who share this passion with me I don't believe I would have ever been able to think I could have ever admitted to this interest to anyone. So thankful for having places to share with like minded people.