Check sites with Swedish , Norwegian ,Finnish , Danish, Dutch, North German girl

by qwerty

Lots of natural blondes in those countries and girls of those nationalities.

Many of them also love black men.

Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Northern Poland , Belarus, and the parts of Russia near Finland , Estonia , Latvia, Lithuania , and Belarus have quite a bit of natural blondes. However people in those countries tend to be pretty racist and most of the women in those countries won't date, marry or fuck a black man. At least nowhere near as many as Swedish , Norwegian , Danish, Finnish , Dutch, and northern German girls willing to fuck a black man. I also gotta say well Germany is pretty open to interracial relationships and northern Germany has quite a bit of natural blondes most German women are pretty ugly. Most of the other countries with lots of natural blondes tend to have pretty hot women . Especially Scandinavia with Swedish girls being the hottest on average .