don't post anya.. she will do it herself.
period [let's don't go there 4 the ump'teenth time]
the new ''britta'' rule,,,well,,,not really new
ninja has said in the past [i'm not quoting]
if someone complains about hotlinking
we/i will say 'sorry' and ask the 'criminal'
not to post frum that site, just, the site.
we will delete 'criminal post'.
same goes with 'members pics', IF they complain...
the share your pics button/page says
''if u don't own the pic, don't upload it''
give ninja a break, people. he gives us one.
btw: this is a
''share your thoughts and pic/links forum''
we are selling nothing,,just,,share'in.
there is plenty to share. let's , just,
drop the anya/britta thangy and move on to better thangs.
i don't think diane would 'bitch' about me posting her pic
without posting her site. i fact, i think she woodbee proud.
if you red this,,,
2cents, please...
no rules at PCs. we know, and get, what we are there for.......