x-mas present for ninja's guys n gals

by pc

i spent a little time finding/cropping/uploading some lol pics for u all.

i hope, at least, one makes you smile.

[eyez tried to stay on-topic,,BUTT,,'it' was hard]

1st 1s 4 olli [is this german?] it says ''i will suck'' [i think]

[threw in some fishin pics, 2, 4u]

u guys think u have a hard time reading my texxxass slang,,

olli uses a translator program. lol

we don't have to understand. we show each other pics and

''a pic is worth a thousand words''

her's 51,000, more, words,,,,,BUTT,,1st,,

olli, what's the 1st thing you grab when one of your fishin buddies

drops you best rod n reel overboard?

''your camera'' lol


and now [drum roll, please] for the big ending

merry christmas frum
