This video. The other video of a model lying upside down on bed and working on a shut down laptop computer - all these are copied from Kolkata based website Indianrapunzels
You have applied ur mind in doing it though. You have copied that but allowed long time gap between IR's video and now ur video such that the memories of people are erased of the first original concept
Even somebody had approached u for paid hair sessions when u were in very initial stages of ur channel but u had said that mumbai isnt a village like kolkata wherein u get so much time to do these things
Ur such a bloody liar, cheat and hypocrite
U had opened upto paid hair sessions (on alternate saturdays, 2nd & 4th of month if i remember correctly) advertising it on ur site.
More important - where the hell do u live in mumbai, shinde? u live far off from mumbai
i see that ur seemingly becoming copy paste of Indianrapunzel ideas