Sensual Shower Shampoo

by ivyy

You just can’t resist a beautiful head of hair. And my hair is SO beautiful – so long & thick, my strawberry blonde waves cascading down my back in a glorious mane. And watching me shampoo it is such an erotic experience: first letting the shower soak my curls (and my clothes!) until they’re dripping wet, turned dark red and plastered to my head. Then lathering up with huge handfuls of foamy bubbles, piling all that hair in elegant swirls atop my head. Then rinsing the shampoo out, watching the water course down my back & ass, sweeping all the suds away with it. And finally squirting gobs of thick, creamy conditioner all over my soaking wet & squeaky clean tresses, carefully combing it through my waist-length locks.