Re: Playing devil's advocate on Anya's comeback

by whatlol

What exactly are you trying to accomplish? "Right" decision for who? What exactly do we as fans lose if she wants to come back?

"If she comes back, how long before she leaves again? How long before age takes its toll on her or that she's past her prime? "

Why does it matter how long she decides to stay in the adult internet business? She's free to leave or go whenever she wants. If she wants to stop after a week, month, years, it's up to her. Do you know what people know Michael Jordan as? That's right, Bulls--not Wizards.

"Despite her best efforts, things just may not be as good as before."

So what? She's not a pro athlete. She's not competing against anyone else. Not every single thing she does will always be better than the previous. As a fan, any new content is awesome.

"New generations of long hair queens competing against her"

What's wrong with competition? Why is this a competition in the first place?

"Risking hurting her legacy if she comes back and it doesn't go well or not as good as before."

Honestly, her legacy is already pretty damn high in the hair-fetish content. And it's not like this is some championship... her audience is pretty small (I think).

"She left unexpectedly before, what if this happens again?"

So what? She's not obligated to provide us content. She can stay and go as she pleases.

I'm really confused what kind of discussion you are trying to bring with this post