Suggestions required from hairfetish2016

by longhairadmirer

Dear hairfetish2016

Namaste from India!

I am from India. I am sure many Indian boys and men have long hair fetish. Many Indian girls do have long and sexy thick hair. Long hair is admired in India. You might know there are many long hair play videos from India on YT. Some look creepy though and video quality is not great.

Unlike other countries (Russia, China etc), porn in India is very very uncommon. Its taboo and no one talks about it. Forget about hairjob. Indian people might do this act but in bedrooms. You can not find many Indian hairjob videos on internet. Perhaps many Indians do not know that this act is named hairjob. People with extreme fetish might post hair releted videos but still negligible in numbers.

India's population is huge and many speak English. Almost everyone in big cities can communicate in English. I see a huge potential for marketing hairjob in India. I am sure many Indian girls (even from Big cities) do not understand the meaning of hairjob. And even if someone explains this to them, they find it weird.

How can we make it popular in India and how can we make girls open to this idea. It will be a big win for people like us..

Hoping to hear back from you.

Sorry for long post.