I have been a fan of Realrapunzels and have watched all their videos since they day they started. Many people have, and are supporting them.
However, there has been some misunderstandings and disagreement when it comes to the person that has posted for Realrapunzels here on this forum.
It is not Realrapunzels themselves which has posted on this forum, but another person who also, is a big fan of them.
I have talked alot with realrapunzels, so I know this.
That person will not post here for Realrapunzels, maybe not for a little while, maybe never again.
This doesnt really mean alot for us/you at the forum.
I really love them, I want to support them and help them further in the future, therefore, I can post all the new videos they have, here.
I have asked, and also be told that the discount codes will be "december" for this month and "discount" for all new videos.
As I have seen, they have discounted their videos 20% with the code "discount" for the 24-48 hours of a new video.
They said they will post on their website, which video will be discounted each day in december, so I will check that, and tell you.
Summary: It will not be that Realrapunzels fan posting their videos here, he has done it a little wrong, there will be me instead. Feel free to post it here too, if you want to.
When I post you the updates they have, when I have time, I will try my best to post as good as the person who posted for them did.