Chris, an explanation is coming. Sometimes in life, you find yourself in certain situations where complete and total absence is the necessary solution for ones own safety and personal well being. That's all I'm going to say right now.
My friend Anya is making a statement that I will be presenting to you all very soon. Yes I know what's going on. No she hasn't cut her hair. She loves her hair!! Yes, her join page is down for the time being, that was a tough decision for her, but one that had to be made and what's done is done. It's not forever, so just calm down.
Just know that she's finally safe and like I said, keep an eye out for a statement from her.
I can't believe you guys would trust a person saying such things about her like she cut her hair, when he has no 'pictures' to back up his lies. She has NOT cut her hair!!
Just be happy that she is safe.