As I said -- it all comes down to the 'stylists' needing to have something to do, and for the 'makeover' to have a point.
The Jennipher girl -- she's already gorgeous. Hot, sexy, womanly, sexy, cute -- gorgeous hair, face, whatever.
So there's no sensationlism there -- nothing to change or make over. Now, if they cut all her hair off then they can say "Look how great she looks!"
And then, as you said, because they need some other sort of drastic or otherwise change on a girl with short hair = hey, lets give her extensions, oooh, see how pretty she looks with long hair!?!?
It's totally fucked up -- the whole TV makeover sensation just seems to me, to be a reason and excuse to just 'change a bunch of stuff' and fool around with a woman's appearance "just because". Heck, I've seen makeovers where I honestly thought the woman looked pretty hack afterwards, and of course the hosts of the show and whatnot are going to say she looks great:
When in all reality, what it comes down to is this: unless you were a stuck up schmuck, would you at ALL turn down any physical relation with, or hesitate to say that 'Jennipher' is gorgeous, sexy? No, I can't see where you would. Hence, *NO NEED FOR A MAKEOVER*.