Re: just my opinion., whats yours?

by mp4393

Well, of course to each their own, and women and men should be able to do what they want with their hair, though I do think partners in a committed relationship should give serious consideration to trying to stay attractive to their SO.

But opinions? I like women with healthy well-maintained long hair, which for me is BSL+. Shoulder-length and even shoulder-blade length are pretty common and not that much commitment. BSL is a great starting point toward very long hair.

I think there are women who look decent, good, even great, with shoulder-length, bobbed, or even pixie hair. A few just don't have the hair texture or health to pull off any length but most would look better with it longer. A attractive young college-grad started work at my company a few years ago with a short pixie, and in my mind she was the "cute girl with the pixie" and quite hot. Eventually she let it grow out to a bob and then shoulder length. What an upgrade! I can only imagine if she let it really grow out.

I wish more women would give very long hair a chance, particularly when they're young, say under 30 or so. Many women could achieve waist, hip, or classic length and look fantastic. Even longer is great, but IMO that takes a special commitment and personality as well as great genetics.

I'd much rather see a woman try very long hair and then cut it short than never try it at all. I try to support women who are ready to do the big cutoff partly out of appreciation for them having worn it long in the first place and partly because I think seeing women wear very long hair for a while without being seen as stuck in a rut encourages other women to give very long hair a try. I will admit to enjoying seeing very long hair cut short, but my first love is still very long hair with its femininity and versatility.

If a woman wants to cut off her hair to make a point about not caring what most men think, fine, but she'd better not come crying to her friends, especially guy friends, about how she gets less attention from guys after she does it.

I personally detest the current Miley Cyrus pixie, side-shave, etc., look. Like I said, I think some women look decent or even good with pixies, but IMO not with that haircut. That look and any other cut whose main goal seems to be looking androgynous just don't do anything for me.