Kisko>upload tip inside

by pc

''I hav about 500MB of long hair pics'' kewllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!! [i have a few, myself]

yes,dude..start a yahoo group, upload the limit [30mb]

[has a little program to upload that allows multipal pic uploads]

tell us at PCs and ninja's and as your friends [good posters] join, make them moderators,,SEW,,they can see the pics, FULL SIZE.

in a week r 2,, delete those pics,,upload the limit,, again,, tell

your friends, in a post and,,,,,keep ''it'' up.......

sad note: if you get no thanks in replies,,then give it up.

no,,,don't get me rong,,BUTT,,surfin PCs n Ninja's u/we, just

about, sea them all and save the ones we like.

[FORUMS ROCK] n [i seldom upload..why? when u can post the link 2 the pics at a site]

my point: at yahoo groups, eyez, mostly, sea repost,,BUTT,,if u have

some 'not seen b4',,then,,upload away.

eyez would love to sea your 'point of view'.

[am i talking in circles? i dew datt, uno]

nudder words,,,what ever u upload, eyez will look.

ok...go here,,join,,,,and look at a few of mine,,then,, at

the top right of the page, click 'start a group'.

any ?s,,just,azk.

[tell me if you want my full size pics, i'll make u a moderator]

[moderator limit=15]

thanks for joining us at PCs. hope u enjoy the longhair, thar, 2!

u have to use a code, thar, 4 pics to [hot]link.

ask me about it. i'll show u.. it's e z...............................
