Re: Re: Eulalie

by Pats

Do you knew that you can easily put a timer suffix to the YouTube-URL?

An example:

In normal way, you'll post like this:

, but if you want to show from a specific start point at, let's say 00:01:04, you can add informations like the following to the already existing link:

It starts with the time addition tag "#t=" and then you can add like you want. "xhxmxs" (exampe: 1h2m3s - it would start at 01:02:03)

or much easier:

"xs" (example: 7s - it would start at 00:00:07)

Well, you see: You don't have to fill every hour- or minute-information into the tag, if you won't do that. You can shorten it easily.

Hope that helps.

PS: The link is also a nice video.