Look, I don't think it is okay to just approach someone and tell them you want to jackoff to or on them...agreed there.
However, this girl (that I really think is you) needs to realize there are a$$holes in this world and she (you) had better grow up and learn to deal with it.
ANYTHING put out on the net is free game, including your email address when you put it out there. She (you) put herself (yourself) on Youtube. What, did you expect that EVERYONE AROUND THE WORLD was going to be on their best behavior? If you believed that when you are more fu%ked in the head than whoever sent the note to begin with.
Then to post a video being all whiney and crying about how people acted? Pull your head out of your a$$! Even more fuc&ked in the head is coming on a fetish forum and think you are gonna find real sympathy for it here?
Again, whoever the person was is an a$$hole. Doesn't look like the (your) videos were meant to be sexual, but guess what? Hell, what about all the Victoria's Secret catalogs that get jacked-off over? How about the Pantene ads that get posted here? And you know what, I bet Pantene and Eve Menendez and others get notes about how they turn people on. Guess what, unless the person makes real threats or becomes a stalker, THEY IGNORE THE A$$HOLE AND GO ON WITH LIFE!
Like I said before, if they commented about wanting to jack-off onto your tits were you gonna get your boobs cut off?
Don't piss and whine because you decided to cut your hair. If you were that upset, you should have just taken down your videos and gotten a real life.