Hi indianlh.com Webmaster,
I really don't appreciate you posting my picture in your Long Hair Gallery
and tagging it as unseen.
You have taken the picture from my Website (www.longhairtamilnadu.com)
and have posted it in your site. The best part is that, you have taken all of my 3 Copyright watermarks on the photo.
How can you possibly do that? Because of people like you I had to put 3 copyright watermarks on all the photos before uploading to my site and still you manage to remove it. I just can't believe it and can't tolerate it man. It is absolutely ridiculous.
If you really want to post photos from my website, then post it without removing the Copyright watermarks ok? If you don't want to do it, remove the above photo ASAP from your website.
Look I am the only person who knows how hard it is to get a model, to do a shoot and then posting it in website. It involves a lot of money, physical and mental hard work.
Just give some respect to site owners or to people who actually own the photos. You book a model pay her, do a shoot and then post it in your website then you will know how hard it is, to do that.
Thanks & Regards,