lena li
her fan club
a story about
i had never had 'big' tits till i was 35.
[had some great purfies, once,,the rest, just, regular]
i danced/n/romanced this girl, in the longhorn club, 1 nite.
she was impressed with me not drinking and the songs
i played and sang, out in my truck,,SEW,,she invited
me to spend the night. she said ''follow me home''.
funny how 1 U turn could have changed everything.
she didn't tell me she lived in anudda town.
at one point, about 30 mile out, i almost turned
around and said, 4git it. not worth it.
her hair is only 1/2 long, anyway,,BUTT,,i didn't.
when we got to her place she said ''have a sit. b rite back'
1 lamp on on the other side of the room, behind a chair.
when she came back into the room she was wearing a nightgown.
no big deal,,untill,,she stepped between me and the light.
eyez saw ''a silowet of heaven''
this 25 year old girl had 34c's and only weighed 110lbs. 5ft2.
she sat in the chair, between me and the light.
without knowing, and we still laugh about it today, eyez saw everything!
all night,,BUTT,,didn't make love till our 3rd date.
yup,,,u guessed it.. my wife of 15 years.
eyez still blame it on ''that
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