''Those kind of look like Suze Randall images. Do you think they are?''
no..i think trich said playboy r penthouse.
''There's another one of her with her hands tied behind her back
that I know I've seen. Any idea where that set is?''
trich, 1st, e-maided me one of her pics, years ago.
eyez begged for more.
he posted the set i uploaded 4 u at his site, i think.
then dumped them for 'new space'.
4years eyez have search4more,,,,,nuttin............
i have search warrants out for:
michele doria
carrie taylor
girl of my dreams
[eyez 4got someboody]
o damn,,,i've been looking at a pic in the dallas news,
all day long[at work on my desk] of
Gretchin Wilson [country singer]
side view, hair down to her hip-huggin-jeans. WOW
she played Billie Bob's [ft.worth]
saturday night. had a great review.
eyez,,,,allmost, went.
me, my 240 pic camera and 5,000 redneck women..
anywho [i ramble]
tell me the name you used to join my yahoo thangy
and i'll make you a moderator.
the main benifit is:
in photos you can click the pic twice
and get the full size picture.
eyez love
facial xxxpressions
[her hair ain't bad, eyethur]
frum texas
did i tell u bout
apply and i'll approve
[i approve everyboody and ban the spammers]
how bout a album of your 'longhair pics'
at 1 r the other