i think u were just xxxcited. lol
i don't consider this off-topic
bobby ''touched'', uno
tftj.com/miss/MAO/a_03States/ME/a_ME.htm photo button
let's dig a little deeper
mainestatesociety.org/MSSCherry.htm 2003
dude,,,,,great story/spellin/lol
a casanova is like a romeo/ladiesman.
i, once, dated a girl who was, later, miss texas. leslie sprull. '71 r 2 r,,,5 r...
i'll have to go search the net 4 her, huh.
my very 1st, orficial, date was with her sister. jerian
7th grade prom night.
valerie hair
she married my bass player, david self.
lol @ self....she got F A T...
rambel ramble
[well,,,u started it]