WTF is wrong with you, Otto?

by Anya

Don't be talking smack here, dude. What sorta benefit would I get out of asking people how long is long enough? How did I profit PR-wise? I asked a question and got many, many opinions, which I truly appreciated. I said I was *considering* shortening my hair to knee length... is that not still long? How the hell is that a PR stunt? What did I get out of it, other than what I asked for.... opinions. I listed several ways that having ankle length hair is difficult. I didn't say "JOIN MY SITE!!!!" or anything to that effect. In fact, I have NEVER come on this board and said "Join My Site", ever! If folks wanna join, they join. If not, they don't. I don't ask for shit, be it here or even on my site. I don't have some bullshit "wishlist" like a lot of women with sites do. If I want something, I PAY for it; I'm not a f*cking beggar, and I don't expect something for nothing.

I wanted opinions and that's what I got; don't try to analyze a legitimate & sincere question and turn it into something it never was. I know you don't know me and never will, but those who have taken the time to know me, know that I don't ask for opinions unless I truly want them.

Some folks even said that if I cut my hair, I should make a video and sell it. I didn't say, "OH HELL YEAH!" to that suggestion. The last time I significantly cut my hair, there was no video, no pics, and I still have that longass ponytail to this day, which I will never sell, ever.

So bite me. Kiss

