Hi Gil
While I appreciate the very nice things you've said in your post, I can't say that your closing was very appropriate or accurate. I started this thread with honesty & sincerity, I even later explained further why I had come to ask the question about length & the issues I've been having. I resent your assuming what my motives are in asking a serious and honest question to people I assumed would be honest as well.
Posting on KF doesn't generate some magical revenue stream. No long hair forum on the internet is a 'maker' or breaker' of funds by any means. Some guys on this forum seem to see the 'hair fetish microcosm' as the entire internet, but it's not. Do you have any idea how small the long hair audience is? If there were a true money making market out there for long hair, don't you think more people would be marketing to that niche? Doesn't make sense that so many market to straight sex, gang bang, interracial, BDSM, big boob fetish, foot fetish, stocking/heel fetish, milf, etc., etc. Why do you think the really big adult companies DON'T go after the long hair fetish? Because in an internet that's this big: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, the long hair fetish market is about this big: -, and that's being generous. And if anyone knows that, trust me, it's me. I've been and still continue to go to webmaster gatherings, sat/sit thru many a seminar and workshop; I've put the time in. I'll also be celebrating 11 years soon online, I've learned a bit in that time. So please don't assume you know why I started this thread. Sure, everyone has been hit by the economic downturn, every paysite on the internet has felt it. But that doesn't mean coming here is going to generate a single dime by posting. I don't see the logic in that at all.
Furthermore: "...times have changed.....time to adapt...time to move on. Anya, you have proved that you are a good marketer, time to find something new....best of luck."
Um, what? So I should just cut off my hair & move on because I'm not making millions? I realize it's been 5 years since you've been a member of my site so you're a bit out of the loop, but long hair fellows don't even make up a sixth of my overall members. My site isn't & hasn't been only "long hair". I've been catering to various niches for years & years. My site has never been just about my hair. Maybe some only see hair, but it's always been & will always be about ME. I happen to love long hair, I love my hair. I love how it feels, how it shines, how soft it is, how long... but don't assume that's all I'm about. Like I said, there is very little to be made in the long hair niche. If I shoot long hair content it's because I WANT to, I ENJOY it, it's my FAVORITE thing to shoot.
I recall a while back when Penny cut her hair, she had pissed a few folks off because she said something to the effect about not making money with her hair anyway. GG has evolved to being more than only long hair. Sadie will come to discover that she won't get rich off of the hairjob fetish, Leona seems to be still doing ok but I don't recall her buying a Ferrari as of late, others have moved on entirely.
So no, though I appreciate the advice, I don't think it's "time to move on". I still love my hair & love shooting hair content too much.