Re: Anya's Cut

by Chris

1. Anya isn't the first woman out there to have ankle-length hair and she won't be the last. Yeah, ankle-length hair on a woman is rare, but there are plenty of other things that make a woman unique. A woman doesn't have to have ankle-length to be unique to us. Millions of women out there have long hair of various lengths. Us men don't have to have a woman with hair as far as her ankles to enjoy it. I, and I'm sure others here, can enjoy a woman with hair as high as her back or even shoulders.

2. Us men don't have access to women with long hair? What planet are you living on? There are millions of women out there that have long hair. Sure, not all of them have waist or ankle-length hair, but they do have long hair. Women very well know that men love long hair on a woman. They know hair turns us on just like other female bodyparts. We don't have to pay to see it. There are some men here that are with a wife/girlfriend with long hair and are enjoying it immensely. You really need to stop thinking that a woman with ankle, knee or hip-length hair can only qualify as a woman with long hair.

3. We're all fans of Anya and she knows how much we love, desire and care about her. Us members help keep her website afloat by paying for our memberships. You really think Anya would take advantage of those who help keep her in business? You really think she'd not care what we think when she knows we love and support her? She'd have to be pretty heartless to not care about all the people who love her and are grateful for all she does. We give a lot to her and she gives a lot to us. Simple as that.

Not all of us are strangers to Anya. Some people, like myself, know her pretty well. I don't hound her for her phone number or address. Put yourself in her position. If she put out her number or address online she'd have fans hounding her day and night hour after hour. You don't see any famous actor, athlete, or musician giving out their personal information, do you? Like any other famous person, I'm sure Anya wants us to respect her right to privacy. If she wants to talk to us at all, we can do it by e-mail or she can communicate through this website. Shouldn't that be enough for you?

4. Once again, it's wrong of you to judge us as some silly motley crue. We talk to Anya regularly here when she's around and she does make an effort to talk back. If we e-mail her she will e-mail back at her earliest convenience. I can't speak for Anya, but I will say that she, like the rest of us, loves long hair and wants to share hers with us. Now of course she is doing this for money because she has a website to run and it's a source of income for her. She can't do all this for free you know. I mean a musician isn't going to perform music and tour for free when they've got kids to feed and a house to pay. An actor can't act for free and an anthlete ain't going to play for free. But again, as I've said, she is doing this because she, like us, loves long hair and wants to share her passion for it, as well as her hair, with us.

This is silly to think Anya is doing this for some validation. You're acting like she's some highly-insecure woman when she's far from it. We all know she's a beautiful, sexy, intelligent, confident woman who has naturally beautiful hair. I'm sure Anya knows all this and doesn't need millions of people to tell her so. Us long hair fans know girls like Anya share her hair with us because she loves long hair like we do. She's a fan just like us.

I hope now you can stop backpeddling and quit digging yourself further into a hole. You're offending Anya as well as us long hair lovers.