anya,,only tit long is 'fine',,BUTT,,not perfect, 4 me.
this 1st link looks like my wife's hair, now.
and 1 more thang,,,,
penny ruined her perfect hair,,azz4azz eyez concerned,,
and she knows this, now,,,r we would be sea'n pics.
yes, i'm shore her hair is 'fine,,BUTT,,my point is:
that thought, in the back of your/my mine, of
what used2bee, compaired to what u git, now.
hers a cum frum and a half 4 chat back to 1,, r the dex is her
thar's, allmost, azz many links, her, azz in a tc post at PCs.
reward offered for ''the best of''.
your last post had a short hair link and a longhair link.
please omit the shorthair links..thanks for your time and
for saving mine/ours